The Village of Stamford BOT wishes to afford the members of the public in attendance an opportunity to make a public comment. All members of the public will be given an equal opportunity to speak during this public comment period, regardless of their viewpoints or affiliations. Those who wish to make a public comment may do so, one at a time, for one continuous period of not more than 3 minutes. The BOT asks the Village Clerk to set a timer at the beginning of each public comment and advise the commenter when the timer reaches 30 seconds remaining, and again when the timer has run to 0 seconds. We ask that each participant begin their public comment with their name and address. Participants are expected to maintain civility and refrain from disruptive behavior during public comment periods. Personal attacks, profanity, or other disrespectful behavior will result in the individual being removed from the meeting. The BOT will not respond to public comments during the meeting, but will instead listen without providing immediate feedback. The Village BOT will now open the public comment period.
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