Pay online or bring your check to the Village Hall at 84 Main Street.
Drop box at the Village Hall.
Tax Bill:
Water/Sewer Bill:
Use form on the Contact Us page.
The Board of Trustees meets the third Tuesday of every month at Village Hall, 84 Main Street.
Planning Board meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at Village Hall, 84 Main Street.
Submit your application to Village Hall or email your completed application to Applications must include insurance policy for the event listing the Village as “additionally insured”. Applications must be received in enough time to be granted approval at least 30 days prior to the event. Form is on site.
Enroll online at or using this form.
The Stamford Town Justice
Jacqueline Lamport
101 Maple Ave
PO Box M
Hobart, NY 13788
Court Hours: 2nd Tues of every month from 9AM-1130AM & 1 – 3PM
Court is in session : 2nd Tues of every month @ 4PM
Vacuuming of leaves will begin when there is enough piles at the curb to be picked up. Most likely the 3rd – 4th week in October, but is dependent on the foliage droppings.
The tennis courts are open every day, sunrise to sunset on a first come first serve basis. Nets are up until it’s too cold to play. The courts are located on South Street across from the basketball court. 14 South Street on the GPS will get you there.
Call the Village Hall Clerk @ 607-652-6671 Ext: *#
Making an Online Payment
Log on to:
Go to: Online Payments
Choose: Pay Water/Sewer Bill (for Water/Sewer payments)
Enter your account number
Payments Options: Credit Card/Debit Card (fee)
E-Check (fee)
Fill in your payment information
Click Process Payment at the bottom of the screen
Pick up for bagged leaves and yard debris, and branches under 8 feet long, left at the curb will be picked up every Monday and Thursday morning. Subject to change due to Village projects, pick up will be the following day.
The Village of Stamford does not hand out
the Transfer Station Stickers