Public Hearing

Village of Stamford

Notice is Hereby Given that the Village of Stamford Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will hold a public hearing on the Village of Stamford Draft Comprehensive Plan (entitled Stamford Next) on Wednesday, November 15, at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Hall in Stamford.

The purpose of the Public Hearing will be to present the plan, and solicit comments from Village of Stamford residents and property owners regarding the Village’s Draft Comprehensive Plan. The Draft Comprehensive Plan will be available for review to the public at the Stamford Village Office, 84 Main Street, Stamford during regular business hours, at the Stamford Village Library (117 Main Street),  and on the Village’s website: Written comments related to the Draft Plan will be accepted by the Village through November 27, 2017 until 3:00 P.M.

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